C0 code coverage information

Generated on Wed May 31 01:38:08 AUS Eastern Standard Time 2006 with rcov 0.4.1

          Code reported as executed by Ruby looks like this...

          and this: this line is also marked as covered.

          Lines considered as run by rcov, but not reported by Ruby, look like this,

          and this: these lines were inferred by rcov (using simple heuristics).

          Finally, here's a line marked as not executed.

Name Total lines Lines of code Total coverage Code coverage
misp.rb 112 100
  1 # http://www.jadetower.org/muses/archives/000431.html
  3 require 'misp.tab' # racc-generated parser
  4 require 'pp'
  6 module Misp
  8   module SExpr
  9     def self.new(str)
 10       Misp.parse(str)
 11     end
 12     def atom?
 13       kind_of? Symbol
 14     end
 15     def pair?
 16       kind_of? Pair
 17     end
 18     def quote_expr?
 19       pair? && hd == :quote && tl.pair? && tl.tl == :nil
 20     end
 21     def function_expr?
 22       pair? && hd == :fn && tl.pair? && tl.tl.pair?
 23     end
 24     def evaluate
 25       case self
 26       when :nil, :atom, :eq, :hd, :if, :fn, :pair, :quote, :tl
 27         self
 28       when Pair
 29         case hd
 30         when Pair
 31           Pair.new(hd.evaluate, tl).evaluate
 32         when :atom
 33           if tl.hd.evaluate.atom? then :true else :nil end
 34         when :eq
 35           if tl.hd.evaluate.equal? tl.tl.hd.evaluate then :true else :nil end
 36         when :hd
 37           tl.hd.evaluate.hd
 38         when :if
 39           if tl.hd.evaluate != :nil
 40             tl.tl.hd.evaluate
 41           else
 42             tl.tl.tl.hd.evaluate
 43           end
 44         when :fn
 45           :nil
 46         when :pair
 47           Pair.new(tl.hd.evaluate, tl.tl.hd.evaluate)
 48         when :quote
 49           tl.hd
 50         when :tl
 51           tl.hd.evaluate.tl
 52         else
 53           raise RuntimeError, "can't evaluate undefined atom '#{ hd.inspect }'"
 54         end
 55       else
 56         raise RuntimeError, "can't evaluate undefined atom '#{ self.inspect }'"
 57       end
 58     end
 59     def to_sexp
 60       self
 61     end
 62   end
 64   class ::Symbol
 65     include SExpr
 66   end
 68   class Pair
 69     include SExpr
 70     attr_accessor :hd, :tl
 71     def initialize(hd, tl = :nil)
 72       @hd, @tl = hd, tl
 73     end
 74     def inspect
 75       "(#{ hd.inspect } . #{ tl.inspect })"
 76     end
 77     def ==(other)
 78       if other.respond_to?(:hd) && other.respond_to?(:tl)
 79         hd == other.hd && tl == other.tl
 80       end
 81     end
 82     def to_s(use_special_syntax = true)
 83       if tl == :nil
 84         # Nil Hiding
 85         "(#{ hd })"
 86       elsif use_special_syntax && quote_expr?
 87         # Quote
 88         "'#{ tl.hd }"
 89       elsif use_special_syntax && function_expr?
 90         # Function notation
 91         params = if tl.hd.atom? then ".#{tl.hd}" else tl.hd.to_s[1...-1] end
 92         "{|#{ params }| #{ tl.tl.hd }}"
 93       elsif tl.pair?
 94         # Tail Folding
 95         "(#{ hd } #{ tl.to_s(false)[1...-1] })"
 96       else
 97         "(#{ hd } . #{ tl })"
 98       end
 99     end
100   end
102   class ::Array
103     def to_sexp() Pair.new(self[0].to_sexp, self[1].to_sexp) end
104   end
105   class ::NilClass
106     def to_sexp() :nil end
107   end
109   def self.parse(str)
110     Parser.new(str).do_parse
111   end
112 end

Generated using the rcov code coverage analysis tool for Ruby version 0.4.1.

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